Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Thoughts on Deer Hunting

THE Deer Hunting Blog

Ok, so I went deer hunting over the weekend.

Why do they call it hunting anyways, it's more like deer waiting. You go and sit and wait on a deer to show up.

Anyways, we were at a cabin and I got up early and went outside to smoke. The sun wasn't up yet and I was enjoying the calm and the terrific view when all of a sudden this really huge buck with antlers the size of Texas came walking up. His eyes were fiery red and smoke came out of his nostrils. The ground seemed to shake with his every step.

He walked over to me and said " Do not shoot any of my Kinfolk!!"

So I said " Yes Deer"

and then I went back in the cabin and ate some Bar-B-que potato chips.

Next year I am going to go pan for gold.

Things you should always take when going deer hunting.

1. Bar-b-que potato chips

2. Big truck

3. crossword puzzles

4. thermal underwear

5. Air freshener( the cabin Bathroom didn't have a window)


  1. I never saw a purple cow, but this blog make is close.

  2. That is why we didnt get any deer that weekend


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