Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Common Thought....

"Maybe it just me...But"

Doesn't it seem like the best steaks are served at strip joints.

Cars know when you get extra money, then they break down.

You have to step in a puddle before you realize you have a hole in your shoes.

The hot water runs out "exactly" half way through the shower.

whenever you are robbing a bank , the ski mask gets twisted and you walk into a door. Never mind , you didn't read that.

whenever you open the crayon box you can never decide what to draw, but it seemed like such a good idea a minute ago.

were rolls invented so you would have something to hold your butter while you eat it.

no one consulted a child while inventing the "child-proof" cap.

whoever invented yogurt must have been really really bored.

if you smell dog poop....check your shoes. its not this blog, i promise.

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