Monday, January 30, 2012

Picking your Thoughts, or an Adults Guide to Picking Your Nose

The Art Of the Pick

Just to set the record straight, we all pick our noses.

There are certain rules we should all follow. Now we are talking about picking here, not your occasional wipe. The shirt sleeve is only acceptable in certain situations for the wipe. but thats a whole nuther blog which I will get to eventually.

These are just general guidelines which I have picked up over my 54 years of nose picking.

Rules of the pick.

Keep fingers dry and clean.
If the fingers are wet, the pick become more difficult and the object of the pick will tend to not stick to the finger properly. Especially important for those of us who have mustaches.

There is nothing scarier than losing the object of a pick and not knowing where it went. Remember you are trying to not bring attention to the fact that you are a picker and fumbling the pick is serious.

You are with a group of people and the conversation is going well, when you feel the need to pick. You turn you head and make a coughing noise and raise your hand to cover your cough.
While the head is turn you quickly insert finger in nose and the object of the pick sticks to end of finger.
or at least you thought you had success till you take a quick peek at you finger and there is nothing there.

Now your brain goes into full panick mode.

Is it in your mustache, is it on your shirt, did you breath out and it go flying across the room or it just hanging there?

Clean you Hands frequently.

Auto mechanics with greasy hands are the worst pickers.If you are a white guy with a black nose...well we know what you have been doing.

Pinch and roll

Depending on your nose, you may be one of those few that can do the pinch and roll.
Grasp nose at eye level, pinch and slide down. Hopefully the object of the pick will end up between the fingers. Then simply roll roll roll until it disappears.

End of Part one...please Stay tuned for further picking lessons

1 comment:

I really really want your comments. most of the time the comments are better than the blog!!